EDI Training and Consultancy for Schools

Vandu Training is a dedicated Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) training and consultancy provider prepared to support schools across southeast England and beyond.

We create tailored, interactive training sessions that address the specific needs of school communities. From developing inclusive leadership plans to empowering equality champions, we offer a range of services to help create a truly welcoming and inclusive environment for all students and staff.

Discover how Vandu Training can help your school build a more inclusive future in this blog.

Table of Contents:

  1. Brief Introduction to our EDI Training Programmes

  2. Why is EDI Training Important for Schools?

  3. Our EDI Training Programmes for Schools

  4. Curriculum Development Support

  5. EDI Policy and Strategy Consultation

  6. Strategic Planning

  7. Support and Mentorship for Marginalised Students

  8. Community Engagement and EDI Outreach

  9. Conclusion and Call to Action

Brief Introduction to our EDI Training Programmes

Vandu Training is a dedicated EDI training and consultancy provider built on a strong foundation of community engagement. As a branch of Vandu Languages, we bring over 25 years of experience working with diverse communities in southeast England.

We believe in the power of inclusion and the value of lived experiences. That's why all our trainers not only possess extensive knowledge in their areas of expertise but they are also members of the communities they teach about. 

This unique firsthand perspective allows us to deliver training that is culturally relevant, impactful, and empowering.

Intersectionality is also a key focus of our work, as we explained in more detail in a recent LinkedIn post.

Why is EDI Training Important for Schools?

Children and young people are particularly vulnerable to discrimination within their academic environments. 

Growing up in conditions where they experience or witness prejudice can leave lasting emotional scars, negatively impacting self-esteem, engagement with leadership roles, and the pursuit of goals in adulthood.

Discrimination often stems from deep-rooted biases passed down through generations and can be unconsciously perpetuated by both staff and students.

It is important for students to feel safe and supported in their schools. By fostering an inclusive environment and equipping staff with EDI training, schools can significantly improve students' educational experiences and promote their self-development.

Our EDI Training Programmes for Schools

Vandu offers tailored workshops for teachers, administrative staff, and students that cover essential EDI topics such as understanding bias, promoting inclusion, and addressing discrimination.

We make sure to advocate for regular training sessions to ensure that school staff remain informed about the latest EDI practices and principles, helping them to continuously improve their approach to diversity and inclusion.

Our current offerings include:

  • Disability Awareness Training: Learn how to create an inclusive environment for students and staff with disabilities, covering topics like communication, accommodations, and respect.

  • Gender Sensitivity Workshops: Learn how to create gender-inclusive spaces, challenge stereotypes, and promote gender equity in the school environment.

  • Sexuality Programmes: Develop age-appropriate knowledge and respect for diverse sexual orientations and gender identities.

  • EDI Champions Training: Equip staff to become advocates for equality, diversity, and inclusion within the school community.

  • Cultural Competency: Gain insights into cultural differences, challenge biases and learn about different perspectives to foster a welcoming and inclusive school climate.

These training programmes are designed as interactive sessions in which learners have the chance to discuss their opinions openly and safely, actively participating in the learning process.

Curriculum Development Support

Vandu Training can collaborate with schools to develop curricula that reflect diverse perspectives and experiences, ensuring that all students see themselves represented in their education.

We provide resources and materials that help integrate EDI principles into everyday teaching, making lessons more engaging and inclusive.

EDI Policy and Strategy Consultation

The UK Parliament has strict guidelines on how schools should avoid any type of discrimination within their grounds. They have explained that all state-funded schools in England must:

  • Have an anti-bullying policy, and a behaviour policy.

  • Comply with the Equality Act 2010, and not unlawfully discriminate against pupils or prospective pupils on the grounds of any protected characteristic.

  • In line with the public sector equality duty (PSED): 

    • Eliminate discrimination and other conduct that is prohibited by the Act.

    • Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and people who do not share it.

    • Foster good relations across all characteristics.

    • Comply with both specific education laws on exclusions and general laws on discrimination, when temporarily or permanently excluding pupils.

Vandu Training can assist schools in reviewing and updating their policies to ensure they meet EDI standards and legal requirements.

Strategic Planning

Schools should develop long-term EDI strategies that align with their values and goals, and promote a culture of continuous improvement.

Effective strategic planning involves a deep understanding of the school community, including the needs, experiences, and perspectives of students, staff, and parents.

Vandu Training can conduct EDI audits and provide valuable insights into existing strengths and areas for improvement. Once identified, we can help schools set clear, measurable objectives and develop action plans to address specific challenges.

It is crucial to involve staff at all levels in the strategic planning process. Empowering educators to become EDI champions can foster a sense of ownership and drive sustainable change. Regular monitoring and evaluation are essential to assess the impact of EDI initiatives and make necessary adjustments.

Support and Mentorship for Marginalised Students

A fundamental aspect of EDI is ensuring that all students feel safe, valued, and empowered. Vandu Training can partner with schools to create inclusive environments where students from marginalised groups can thrive. 

Mentorship programmes can be a good starting point in providing students with the support and guidance they need to reach their full potential. By connecting young people with positive role models who share similar backgrounds, we can help build confidence, resilience, and a strong sense of identity.

Community Engagement and EDI Outreach

By engaging parents, caregivers, and other community stakeholders, schools can create a shared sense of responsibility for promoting EDI.

  • Parent and Community Workshops: Vandu can offer workshops for parents and the wider community to raise awareness about EDI issues and foster a supportive school environment.

  • Collaborative Projects: We can also facilitate projects that bring together students, staff, and community members to work on EDI initiatives, promoting a sense of shared responsibility and collaboration.

Conclusion and Call to Action

Creating a truly inclusive school environment is a complex and ongoing journey that requires commitment, collaboration, and continuous learning. 

Vandu Training is dedicated to supporting schools in achieving their EDI goals. We believe that every child and young person deserves the opportunity to thrive in a safe and inclusive learning environment. 

We invite schools to take the first step towards building a more inclusive community by contacting Vandu Training to discuss your specific needs and goals. 

Email: training@vandu.co.uk


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